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Transformations are movements of shapes or objects on a coordinate plane. There are three types of movements which you've experienced on the other rides. A reflection, which is when an object is reflected or flipped over a line, a rotation, which is when an object is rotated or spun about a point, and a translation, which is when an object is moved or dragged from one spot to another. If you haven't learned about them yet or you would like to try them out again, now is a good time to get on one of the other rides. Hurry the lines are short!  Come back later!  


Many beautiful designs are made by using a combination of these three. These designs are called Tesselations. 


Do not enter if

you suffer from a weak heart 

or scare easily!

This Design is called a Tesselation. Its made by using a bunch of transformations on one plane.



Click here to make one.

Lets Play

Your Mission

(if you choose to accept it)

  What are they?

Do you feel transformed? If you do, congratulations! You looked fear in the face and won! You've earned the right to brag to your teacher, your parents, your classmates, and even your annoying little cousin! If not, no worries, maybe you got on this ride too soon. Go back and try some of the others and return later.  Perhaps you're just dizzy from all the spinning , flipping, and sliding. You're still a winner in our book.  Remember your tickets are good for 5 days.  You can sleep on it and come back tomorrow. We'll still be here!


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